The Effect Of Covid19 On The Business World
Do not dare!! To run away from hard times but in the most crucial times where all it is done, still hope to survive through the storms because 70 per cent of storms are favorable even aftermath. Establishing a purpose before a trend in the market gives you a better positioning irrespective of the numerous business fields, and a lot of business especially start-ups got excited of their output, forgetting to build up other alternate stands. We do not share testimonies of how we survived the storm with a better positioning, and market calls it a strategy, but not a regular day when some companies points to their stories on how they survived. Fine tuning an environment to becoming all real experience the customer wants to live in, should be a told secret. Though not for all. The covid-19 effect on business, was a subtle way of changing the seasonal flow of market when it was citeris paribus. The covid-19 eroded the laid down strategies that some companies envisaged i...