The Unique Seven Connecting Dots Of Leadership
Boom!! There was an awakening at the post pandemic period, which birthed an approach on the escape route to a better living. Have you ever wondered on the urgency that drove humanity to a state of disorderliness, abrupt confusion, seeking for solutions. This ignites a curiosity in us, and often times we are settled for a lesser outcome from the decision made. The mirage seen on our personality creates a doubt in us, and we are not triggered to create a better world for others because of an engulfed deception in our mind. A deceptive mind often leads to a shady lifestyle. Nevertheless, leaders are followers at a point, but for the sold birthright we remained as followers and expect the change we need to come from others. How possible?. Putting an end to the slavery of the mind, we have connected the seven unique dots of leadership. LISTENING : Giving an ear to the complaint of others, ignite the passion to know more and to solve problem quickly. Listening improves the c...