The Unique Seven Connecting Dots Of Leadership
Boom!! There was an awakening at the post pandemic period, which birthed an approach on the escape route to a better living.
Have you ever wondered on the urgency that drove humanity to a state of disorderliness, abrupt confusion, seeking for solutions. This ignites a curiosity in us, and often times we are settled for a lesser outcome from the decision made. The mirage seen on our personality creates a doubt in us, and we are not triggered to create a better world for others because of an engulfed deception in our mind. A deceptive mind often leads to a shady lifestyle. Nevertheless, leaders are followers at a point, but for the sold birthright we remained as followers and expect the change we need to come from others. How possible?.
Putting an end to the slavery of the mind, we have connected the seven unique dots of leadership.
LISTENING: Giving an ear to the complaint of others, ignite the passion to know more and to solve problem quickly. Listening improves the closeness of a leader and the follower. Questions are intentional, and an attention should be paid to know "what they feel, think and should act". Leadership mishaps occurs as a result of lack of a good conversation.
PATIENCE: When we listen, we sit back and envisage our response. When patience is lacked, we hurriedly exhibit some behavioral patterns which signals a wrong message to the other person. This might turn the conversation into chaos. Most leaders especially the amateurs, has a "patience deficiency" disease. Patience is the antidote in leadership.
FLEXIBILITY: Leaders are flexible. Most of us are adamant in decision making and lives in a monopoly world, where followers suffers from a leader's rigid decision. Being a leader requires listening from both ears, thinking from both hemispheres and working it out through both nervous system. Its a step by step process of decision making, and transparently viewing the decision to filter off any ills.
TRANSPARENCY: This is a hard-knot to tie especially for leaders. A true leader opens up and puts followers in charge to control the environment. A "wolf in a sheep clothing " appearance often leads to a rebellious leadership, because they intends to know "who you are and what is in for them". The ability to decipher it, and recruit them to be in charge promotes a good understanding in the leadership world. When ignored, it grows a rebel.
FAITH: The followers you recruit, someday it's going to stand and expect your decision to be materialized in the way you designed it. It also makes them to stand in awe of your leadership. Atimes, leaders are skeptical of the decision made on their followers. Faith builds a firm foundation on your leadership, and strengthens the feedback.
EMPATHY: Leading from the mind of a follower and a leader, creates a bond that is built on trust. A true leader listens to the follower and empathetically follow. It drives to a point of togetherness where needs are being solved with all " hands on deck", and often times it promote a good service in the leadership. Absorbing the emotions of the follower, helps to create the environment which a good leader will live on.
GOODWILL: A good leadership is a home of all. Some tends to outlook the sacrifice, and never acted for the benefits of the follower. Giving, help followers to reach out and also promote the ability to survive through the tough times in the leadership. Knowing what your followers want, and how to serve them sacrificially grows an amateur into a full blown good leader.
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