Look! Its been a wave on the new era of a customer delivery and retention of the product or service that you render but in a nutshell they decide “which one gets retained” and “which one dies”.Fortunately a quick walk through the “brands graveyard” there are products and services buried and decayed,you’d find deficiency of a customer delivery, unsatisfactorily attitude in the bones of the dead products and services (zombie brands).
It takes a lot of research or survey to know what the customer wants,serve them better especially with a kingly service and to keep the brand afresh in the mind of the customer .There are three stages why you need the cock Crow in a customer because it keeps you “up stand”, “ awakened “ in the market of competitors and increases your relevancy if you climb these three staircases.
1. TIMING: Steve Tobak a strategist consultant says “good timing can turn a mediocre product into a breakout success ; bad timing can destroy an otherwise successful career”. In the market place, timing is an essential factor that keeps one relevant but most business owners tend to put it down the scale of preference while climbing through the ladder of success.
It makes the customer to stay alert on your product or service but you’ve got to understand why you are switching on or off to avoid downfalls that could lead to the presence of your product or service in the “sands of graveyard “.
2. VOICE: Ann Handley a marketing consultant says “one of the biggest mistakes companies make is not paying enough attention to the “tone of voice”. They fail to understand their feelings toward a product or service rendered to a client and the tone of voice in the market describes a “what we feel “, “ how to express it through our personality “ thought. Thus, it makes the customer view your brand from a human perspective,that signals them to understand the ways you serve their needs and gives them the leverage to send back how they want to be served. It creates an atmosphere of mutuality that could keep you obvious in the market.
3. POSITIONING: Lynn Lauren a marketing consultant says “ positioning is a concept that outlines what a business should do to serve its product or services to its customers”.The best start for any positioning analysis is gaining the knowledge of your “target market”, best describes the effect of the success on your product or service. Its knowing your niche and if their needs are being met. These three important things why you need a cock crow in a customer, drives advertising and marketing of your product or service to a larger community of the target market and is done by the customer.
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