Unlearning The Proven Ways Of Standing Tall Above Your Competitor's Cloud

The market place is filled with a lot of start-ups and this generation are on their feet to exhibit all the pressures, and older brands tends to be shaky because they feel the intensity of heat that the start-ups exhibit.

The competitors in the niche are closely watched in birthing a different strategy from theirs. Many founders or market predictors are  following the same pathway, and despite a good profiting they still end up the same way.

Everybody is unique so is our brand and we must follow a different way to providing a better service to our community, because they are the sole purpose "why we started" and have birthed an outrageous amazing ways to stand tall above the clouds of your competitors which they are:


The daily thought on how to serve your community through a better  means, often births the drive to create what leads to your customers wants or needs.

The innovative power that every one possess lies dormant except an external force that results from the call of service is been acted upon it, so invariably it obeys the first newton's law of motion.


There are many strategies that are found in the market place and a lot of companies tends to be picking and exhibiting a "trial will convince you" attitude, but discipline help you to maintain the firmness of your strategy into carving out more ways to serve the community.

Discipline births a consistency on your productivity.

Loving The People You Serve

Love unites a community that is known for its disorderliness. It creates a slingshot for any hatred, and also covers a multitude of misbehaviors.

Loving the people you serve is building on their weakness with the strength they possess, and together standing tall above the competitive cloud.

 Treating Your Employees As Owners:

Everybody wants to be a part of an event or what tends to benefit others.

Treating your employees as owners gives you an attention on the respect of opinions in your service and when enacted births a thumb-up.

 Living In Your Mission Statement

A lot of brands has gone off track in focusing what other competitors enacts.

Living in your mission statement gives you the confidence that irrespective of its short term result, your long term investment provides a good productivity in satisfying the needs or wants of customers through values.


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