5 Breath-Taking Writing Skills Which Affects Your Audience?

We have never search for the depth of self to birthing a satisfaction on the needs and want of the audience, but for the affinity of selfishness, we tend to be focus on the profits taking. I agree on what Seth Godin rightly said that profit taking is lazy. What is your opinion?.

The perplexity on our writing comes from the very onset of patterning to satisfy what we ought to know, and also many of us do not learn from others including their audience, because we are always self guarded with our "acclaimed superiority".

Many writers are seen to be outdated. Though, a refusal to be updated on the daily occurrence births stagnation, and when cautioned they often create excuses. Those that births excuses at every challenge or correction never learn.

Wherever we express ourselves through the "ball rollings at our fingertips", there are outer self experience which poses a refreshing moments. Our amazing audience gives us their time, which is the most valuable assets on the well positioned earth surface.

This poses a question on how does your writing skills affects your audience?. The answers are not far fetched and they entails:

An Iota Of Consistency.... We are being watched. When a consistent writing is exhibited either on your website or anywhere else, it motivates the audience into an act of consistency on everything they engage in.

Everybody craves for a pathway of motivation as your writing skills often births a value of consistency into their niche.

A Cling On Transparency.... What you do even when no one is watching shows how transparent you are. Funnily, despite how you paint a picture on your writings it still reflects the level of your transparency.

Every writings has a mirror which the audience views theirselves, and also learn from the reflection on their engagement patterning.

An Intake Of New Information.... The influx of an audience into your website to read articles or a want of your writings, is an awareness that a regular intake of a new information is adhered.

Audience wants a daily change, which can only be passed through your writings.

A Lesson Learnt From Others Experience.... We grow by experience, but grow faster through the lessons learnt from others experience.

Your audience needs a daily food (information) which they feed on, and it all determines how you pattern your experience in teaching the audience to surpassing the times and seasons.

A Patterning Of Their Service To Benefit The Niche.... The daily growth they get from your writings, helps to inculcate the knowledge of a better patterning of their service to enrich the niche in creating a better world for all to live in.


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