7 Outstanding Things To Know Before Beginning Your Day

Certainly! Whatever we ask from the universe, it is been granted to us. But, most of us do not know the mystery behind it and we are seen to be overruled by emotions, and logically speak out negative things. Our feelings are accountable to the daily events.

Doubtlessly, when we envisaged the outcome of what had been said, we will find the load of negativities heaped on our burdened shoulders. Most of us do not take time to analyze what is the cause and effect of event happening around us, because we are often swayed off by the end product of our stragegy. When it declines, the effect is focused while ignoring the cause.

As often said, that the world has laws and principles that governs each living. The holy writings stated that "my people perish because of lack of knowledge".

A lot of us are too garrulous on trivial issues and when it drives to what concerns us for a better living, we quickly lost our tongue. The love of knowledge prompted the 7 outstanding things to know before we begin our day, which are:

How Did I spend My Previous Day?..

When driving, we use the rear mirror to know if there are incoming vehicles, especially when we want to overtake or switch over to the other lane. A cognizant view on our previous day, points out what is needed to be corrected, so as not to repeat the same mistake(s).

What Is My Focus?..

Waking up daily without no focus is likened to a farmer going to his farm without no tools. Our focus is the tool that we carry into the day, so as to be patterned and be firm in case of an unforseen circumstance. We should be specific in our focus, and in fine tuning our purpose of existence.

How Did I Plan To Achieving The Goal?..

There is a popular adage that says "when you fail to plan; you plan to fail." Is a thing to have a focus and another thing to put that focus in planning, as it is the bedrock of what we tend to achieve. In planning to achieving our goal, a painstakingly analysis has to be made so as to act as a pointer.

The Power Of Affirmation..

In this millennial era, many a few of us believes in the spoken word. We create what we want to say before uttering a word, and seconds after it births results. The power of affirmation is the major tool, given to us freely to own our day.

Believing In My Day..

Many of us, do not know that every day accommodates its uniqueness, but for the fact of our recklessness, we are uaware of what was supposed to be attained. Believing in our day, gives us the firmness that what we have invested into the day is able to produce a better outcome.

Learn To Care For Others Daily..

When you solve other people's problem, how do you feel?. We feel accomplished. That is how it is when the needs of others are solved. Learning to care for the needs of others, births an alignment on the why we were created and it also prompts an exchange of their loyalty. Learn to care; Love to care.

Be Committed..

Waking up daily, is waking up into a commitment. Putting the goal in focus makes us eager to achieving it, irrespective of the challenges that the day births. Get involve into the activities of your day and conquer.

You're a champion. You came out into existence with a crown on your head, so take charge of each day.


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