How Leadership Affects Our Daily Lives

Glancing through the peripheral of our daily activities, inculcates what will often experience in the course of our lives, and it also poses a perplexity why we do not visualize what next, after we have sailed across our existence.

Mr. Graham Cruz! Stop procrastinating on a schedule that births an experience, which others are eager and ready to ascertain its benefit. The former event we all attended, exposed us to the daily outcomes where our leadership endured before it was refined. The benefit betrayed our needs.

Though, we have funneled into the anticipation of what works best, despite our procrastinated schedules. This erupted a debate within his colleagues.

Mr. Graham Cruz, is a native of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. He is a stout man and also a branding expert, that worked for Acre Agency. He is goal driven and whenever on the go, it arouses a mental capability which differentiates him amongst his peers.

Prior to the days before the pandemic. He got engaged in a productive conversation with his colleague, in view of a leadership summit. They have often curtailed their activities at work, into researching what will be affecting those who seem to follow their footstep via the pathway, they have carved out.

Mr. Graham's colleague, was not used to seeing himself as a leader while growing up. He took life to be "anything that comes with the flow, we will ride". That has often caused him mishaps. But at a point, he was tired of the dwindled life, running around the circle, which many of us does and often think we are making progress, but in a space of time we are still back to the starting point. What could be the problem?. We often ask.

Let us envisage a tap that is switched on, and there is an endless pressure of water via the tap. A view on this, poses a why do we unknowingly switch off the abilities, that governs our livelihood, and affects the productivity?. Ability precede progress.

Whenever we are perplexed as a result of our declined productivity, we often feel dejected because of our feelings that poses to be real. Feelings are birthed by the external, but controlled by the internal senses.

Both chose a niche and the topic, they wanted. Prior to days of the summit, his colleague spoke with him on the phone, complaining about his nervousness to speak from what they have chosen. He was often reminded by the inner self of his past failure, and he had become a mediocre. He had chosen an enslaved life, until he decided to step out. He was encouraged as usual, by Mr. Graham Cruz.

At that eventful day, he had learned to discipline a self and to be focused on the delivery, from his knowledge to the audience. At first, he became sweaty because of the nervousness, but Mr. Graham was able to diversify the points of view, and that made him relaxed. He was also able to unleash all he's got on the audience. Before leaving the stage, he was giving a standing ovation, he felt good and loved. Since then, he learnt that you live by your decision.

A true leader is known, via the lifestyle he indulges in.


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