10 Astounding Steps To Increasing Employee Productivity

Employee productivity is the amount of goods or services that a group of workers produce in a given amount of time and it is one of several types of productivity that is referred to as a labor productivity.

It is a measure employed at individual level based on the assumption, that the overall productivity can be broken down to increasingly smaller units. There are important ways to increasing an employee productivity.

Put A Monitoring System

A software tool for monitoring helps in tracking things like how many hours your employees are working, how they are utilizing it, which app they are spending their time on and its usage. Email analytics let you track your employee's email recipients, number of mails and who their top senders are.

 Collect Feedbacks

It informs the employees about what they need in self assessment, and how to improve their performance.
 A feedback can be rejected if there are bad communication between the receiver and the giver. However practice collecting feedbacks; it becomes a habit and praise a good performance but when a negative feedback is been given, talk to the employee within 24 hours.

Offer Monetary Rewards

It encourages a friendly competition between associates when linked to same job performance. 
A performance that is rewarded is likely to be repeated, and employees tend to do things that will be rewarded considering the fact that individuals are goal-oriented and financial rewards can shape an individual goals overtime.

Offer Time Based Result

It is also known as base pay. It is a payment made to an individual employee for a specified amount of time of work and can be expressed as hourly, weekly, monthly rate or an annual basis and is often determined by market conditions.

Create And Distribute List Of Accomplishments

When a distribution is done, there is a sense of accomplishment, you naturally become more engaged in your work, and are motivated to maintain and improve the good work. Feeling a sense of achievement is a key cornerstone for creating a productive work environment.

Create A Communal Breaks: 

Working on a long stretch without breaks leads to stress and exhaustion. Creating breaks refreshes the mind, replenishes the employees mental resources, and help them become more creative. Based on research, "Aha moments" came more often to those who took breaks.

 Play The Right Music 

It takes your mind off the immediate problems and enables you to look at the bigger picture. On a subconscious level, music that you enjoy and are familiar with can boost your confidence and help to relieve stress. Music helps to induce a state of meditation, and allows you to disengage from the noise to retain information better.  

Change The Sitting Arrangement

Office seat mates affect every employees mood productivity and even health. People do not live in emotional islands but crater, that group members experience moods at work, these moods ripple out and in the process, influences not only other group member emotions but their group dynamics and individual attitudes as well.

Allow Nap 

Based on research, sleep deprivation at work place cost U.S. economy $411 billion a year and most business leaders do not realize it.  Naping about 20 minutes in the afternoon has a positive effect on attention vigilance mood and alertness.

Kill Multitasking

Multitasking interferes with certain types of brain activity. The results suggest that it is better to work on one task at a time then try to complete many tasks at once. It interrupts the absorbing process of the previous information gathered.


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